On 3/1/06 12:47 AM, Ron Savage wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Mar 2006 00:05:02 -0500, John Siracusa wrote:
>> On 2/28/06 11:34 PM, Ron Savage wrote:
>>> When it says: "Here's a complete example..." how exactly do I
>>> tell the code to connect to a registry entry so as to read the
>>> metadata from the database?
>> Er, tell what code?  The loader?  A call to auto_initialize() from
>> within a class?  Something else?
> Tell my code, as based on the docs. Eg:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> # generate-class-code.pl.
> package AcademicTitle;
> our @ISA = 'Rose::DB::Object';
> __PACKAGE__ -> meta -> table('academic_title');
> __PACKAGE__ -> meta -> auto_initialize;

You need to override init_db, either in each RDBO-derived class or (the
recommended approach) in a common base class that all your classes inherit
from.  For example:

  package MyBaseClass;

  use MyDB; # "isa" Rose::DB and has dbs registered

  use base 'Rose::DB::Object';

  sub init_db { MyDB->new }

  # or...
  # sub init_db { MyDB->new('some_db_type') }

  # or...
  # sub init_db { MyDB->new(domain => 'foo', type => 'bar') }


And then do this:

  package AcademicTitle
  use base 'MyBaseClass';

  package Faculty
  use base 'MyBaseClass';

Look in all three of these places for more info (so many docs, I know... :)





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