On 3/8/06 6:06 PM, Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior wrote:
> Today I was wandering... is there anyone implementing a Catalyst model
> based on Rose::DB::Object? I think this would be something nice to
> have, both for Rose::DB::Object and Catalyst.
> This might be a nice project for someone to play with. ;-)
> If I find the time to learn RDBO a little bit more I might just try to
> tackle it myself, but thought maybe someone else might already be
> doing it.

I looked into making such a thing a few times, but I'm still unclear about
exactly what a Catalyst::Model::* class is expected to do.  I don't see why
you wouldn't just make a set of RDBO classes the usual way and then use them
directly in your Catalyst app.  What's the extra layer of Catalyst::Model::*


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