the install process has this bit of text:

## WARNING: Almost all the tests in this module distribution need to  
## to a database in order to run.  The tests need full privileges on  
## database: the ability to create and drop tables, insert, update,  
and delete
## rows, create schemas, sequences, functions, triggers, the works.
## By default, the tests will try to connect to the database named  
## running on "localhost" using the default superuser username for each
## database type and an empty password.
## If you have setup your database in a secure manner, these connection
## attempts will fail, and the tests will be skipped.  If you want to  
## these values, set the following environment variables before  
running tests.
## (The current values are shown in parentheses.)

I just wanted to suggest adding the inverse of that text, to people  
who don't pick up on it on first glance

## If you have purposefully left your database unsecured ( for  
example: in a
## LAN development environment ) and want to skip these tests, you  
can specify
## connection parameters that will result in a failed connection

## desired failure examples
##      export RDBO_PG_DSN='dbi:Pg:dbname=NULL;host=localhost'
##      export RDBO_MYSQL_DSN='dbi:mysql:dbname=NULL;host=localhost'

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