--- John Siracusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2/27/07, Fred Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Version 761 (latest in FreeBSD ports) RDBO::Loader
> chooses the wrong primary
> > key for this PostgreSQL table:
> Can you post the CREATE TABLE statement

CREATE TABLE ratings (
  userid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES users (ID),
  year integer NOT NULL,
  makeid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES makes (ID),
  modelid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES models (ID),
  value integer NOT NULL,
  perf integer NOT NULL,
  reliability integer NOT NULL,
  comfort integer NOT NULL,
  style integer NOT NULL,
  overall integer NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY( userid, year, makeid, modelid )

> and tell me
> what versions of
> Postgres, DBI, and DBD::Pg you're using?

On the Postgres server:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ pkg_info | grep postgres
postgresql-client-8.2.1 PostgreSQL database (client)
postgresql-server-8.2.1 The most advanced open-source
database available anywhere

On the client machine:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ pkg_info | egrep
p5-DBD-Pg-1.49      Provides access to PostgreSQL
databases through the DBI
p5-DBI-1.54         The perl5 Database Interface. 
Required for DBD::* modules
postgresql-client-8.2.3 PostgreSQL database (client)



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