On 3/27/07, Robert James Kaes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     CREATE TABLE locations (
>         id      INT,
>         ...);
>     CREATE TABLE companies (
>         id           INT,
>         location_id  INT NOT NULL REFERENCES locations(id),
>         ...);
>     CREATE TABLE exhibitions (
>         id           INT,
>         location_id  INT NOT NULL REFERENCES locations(id),
>         ...);

> [...] What I'd like to create is a "company" relationship in Exhibition that
> returns the Company that has the same location_id as itself.

Given the schema above, there could be many such companies, not just
one.  So it'd be a one-to-many relationship:

    package Exhibition;
      relationships =>
        companies =>
          type       => 'one to many',
          class      => 'Company',
          column_map => { location_id => location_id },

You'll get a list or reference to an array of related companies
through this method:

    $e = Exhibition->new(id => ...)->load;
    $companies = $e->companies;

    if(@$companies) { ... }

If there really can only be one such company with the same location
id, then you'll have to make location_id a unique key of the companies
table and/or Company class:

    package Company;
      unique_key => 'location_id',

then set up a many-to-one relationship like this:

    package Exhibition;
      relationships =>
        company =>
          type       => 'many to one',
          class      => 'Company',
          column_map => { location_id => location_id },
          required => 0,

The "required" attribute makes the method return undef (instead of
throwing an exception) when no matching company exists:


    $company = $e->company; # may be undef


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