John Siracusa wrote:
> Does anyone have any good ideas for a namespace for module that augment or
> extend RDBO, but that are not part of the "official" RDBO distribution?  The
> first thing that springs to my mind is:
>     Rose::DBx::*
> That'd be for both modules that are related to Rose::DB and modules that are
> related to Rose::DB::Object.
> For example, Mike Schilli has a module that splits a single big Manager call
> into a series of smaller ones internally (in order to get around some memory
> issues in some DBD::* modules).  I'd call that one:
>     Rose::DBx::Object::InternalPager
> The ::Object part is there to indicate that it's an extension of
> Rose::DB::Object, not Rose::DB.
> Anyone have any better ideas?

I like DBx and xDB.

Where would an extension of Rose::Object go? I wouldn't expect
it under Rose::DBx, right? I'd expect something like Rose::ObjectX
in that case (following the DBx convention), no?


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