On Jan 3, 2008 10:41 AM, Justin Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply John - see inline:
>> but then override the schema in the inventory class:
>>> package My::Inventory;
>>> use base qw(Rose::DB::Object);
>>> __PACKAGE__->meta->setup(
>>>     table       => 'inventory',
>>>     ...
>>>     primary_key_columns  => [ qw(sku_code) ],
>>>     schema => 'b_custom',
>>> );
>> That should do it.
> Indeed it did.  Thanks for that.  I sent you a stripped down test case -
> my My::DB looks more like this:
> Domain  Type            Schema
> pts             main            b_main
> pts             custom  b_custom
> prod            main            prod_main
> prod            custom  prod_custom
> Because my schema name can change based upon domain and type (and I want
> to keep everything in My::DB), I did the following in my Inventory
> class:
>     schema => My::DB->new_or_cached(type => 'custom')->schema,
> It works, and seems to be okay - see any problems with that?

That should be fine, so long as the default domain is set
appropriately before that line of code is run.

> I got the '$DB ||= My::DB->new;' snippet from somewhere - maybe the mailing
> list?  Anyways, it improved execution time on my test script by cutting it in
> half.  Plugging in new_or_cached into my DefaultObject class works the same,
> and looks cleaner, so I'll stick with it - but is there any difference here or
> is it just semantics?

The new_or_cached() method, when using the default caching code and
classes, does some interesting db handle preparation and cleanup when
running under mod_perl.  Here's the documentation chain:


You can customize these behaviors by creating your own custom db_cache_class:


Either way, my warning about the $DB ||= stuff in your test case code
was mostly that you had it appearing in each class, rather than just
once in the common base class.


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