Ever look at something so long your eyes bleed?

I have a SKU object, with a relationship to object_attribute, like so:

    relationships => [
      object_attributes => {
              type       => 'one to many',
              class      => 'My::DB::ObjectAttribute',
              manager_args => { require_objects => ['attribute'] },
              column_map => { sku_id => 'oba_obj_id', version =>
'version' },

Now, each SKU has many object_attributes, but each SKU only has one
object attribute of any given attribute name.  So, my ObjectAttribute
class has a relationship like so:

    relationships => [
      attribute => {
              type       => 'many to one',
              class      => 'My::DB::Attribute',
              column_map => { oba_atr_id => 'atr_id', version =>
'version' },

What I'm trying to do, is given a SKU object and an attribute name,
return the corresponding ObjectAttribute.  From my digging, it looks
like I should be able to do:

  my $oa = $sku->object_attributes(query_args => ['attribute.atr_nm' =>
                                                   $attributeName ],
However, every time I run that, I get:

Can't locate object method "0" via package "My::DB::ObjectAttribute" at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Rose/DB/Object.pm line 1497
'query_args') called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Rose/Object.pm
line 25
        Rose::Object::init('My::DB::ObjectAttribute=HASH(0x92c5fe0)', 0,
'query_args') called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Rose/Object.pm
line 13
        Rose::Object::new('My::DB::ObjectAttribute', 0, 'query_args')
called at
line 5469
0x92daf54)', 'object_attributes', 'My::DB::ObjectAttribute',
'SCALAR(0x9138af8)', 'ARRAY(0x91385e8)') called at
line 3315
'query_args', 'ARRAY(0x92e1298)') called at
/home/justintime/cvs/perllib/lib//My/DefaultObject.pm line 51
)', 'txt_ShortDesc') called at /home/justintime/tmp/roseTests.pl line 71

Now, I've decomplicated this a lot, to try and figure out what I'm doing
wrong, but can't find it.  I even get the same error if I pass an empty
array ref with query_args.

Anyone have any tips?


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