On 1/25/08 4:54 PM, maxim wrote:
> How it may work if I am using Rose::DB::Object::Loader and creating my Manager
> subclasses in the runtime ?

You can pre-create the common base class for all your classes created by the
Loader, then tell the Loader to use your base class using the base_class


> I ran into the same problem with looping over thousand of
> My::Manager->get_someTable() calls

Manager classes will call init_db() on their object_class if you do not pass
in a Rose::DB -derived object using the "db" parameter.


So either make sure your init_db() methods are set up correctly (e.g., by
defining your common base class up-front, as described above) or just pass
in a "db" parameter to every Manager call.


>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>> Behalf Of John Siracusa
>> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 7:25 PM
>> To: Rose-DB-Object
>> Subject: Re: [RDBO] Too Many connections
>> On 1/10/08 5:30 PM, James Masters wrote:
>>> Looking into this, I seem to simply be doing the following
>> in a "for" 
>>> loop more than 100 times:
>>> my $shipobj = MGORD::Shipment->new(shipid => $shipid)->load(with
>>> =>['items', 'costs', 'problems', 'predictedcosts', 'toaddress',
>>> 'fromaddress']);
>>> So the implication is that each one of these is opening a
>> new client 
>>> connection and not closing it.
>>> I know I can just increase the default connections limit
>> from 100 to 
>>> say 200 to fix the problem.  But is Rose really supposed to be
>>> creating all these client connections or have I written
>> something wrongly?
>> When an RDBO-derived object needs a database connection, it
>> calls its db()
>> method:
>> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Rose-DB-Object/lib/Rose/DB/Object.pm#db
>> If a db object does not yet exist, the init_db() method is
>> called to create
>> one:
>> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Rose-DB-Object/lib/Rose/DB/Object.
> pm#init_db
>> The default implementation of init_db() returns a new
>> Rose::DB object, which in turn will create its own DBI
>> database connection.
>> If you'd like one or more objects to share a single
>> Rose::DB-derived object (and therefore a single database
>> connection), a straightforward way to do it is to explicitly
>> code the sharing:
>>   my $db = My::DB->new; # share this among all objects created below
>>   for(...)
>>   {
>>     my $shipobj =
>>       MGORD::Shipment->new(db => $db, ...)->load(...);
>>   }
>> If you'd rather not do this explicitly, or if you simply want
>> another default policy, then you should override the
>> init_db() method, either in your common base class or in each
>> individual RDBO-derived class, depending on the policy you want.
>> For example, if you want all objects of or derived from a
>> given class to share a single database connection by default,
>> you could use the
>> new_or_cached() Rose::DB method:
>>     http://search.cpan.org/dist/Rose-DB/lib/Rose/DB.pm#new_or_cached
>> writing an init_db() method like this:
>>     sub init_db { My::DB->new_or_cached }
>> Remember that no matter what policy you implement in
>> init_db(), you can always explicitly create and pass a
>> Rose::DB-derived object as that value of a "db" parameter to
>> any individual object or Manager call.
>> -John
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