Refer to the DataModeler manaual.  Page 25 onwards.
Brief explanation in the online help:
Help > Contents and Index > Contents tab > Rose Data Modeler > Reference > Transform Mapping > Transformation Mapping Object Model Elements
Hope that helps.
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 10:06 PM
Subject: (ROSE) Associations maps to Relationships-Data modelling

Hi all,
        if  ADDRESS AND PARENT ARE dentifying relationships since child instance can't exist
without parent.
IF CLINIC AND SERVICE are non-identifying since they are independent entites and  have no strong
How about 1:1 relationship between ITEM and ITEMPICTURE  is this identifying or non??
How about 1:N relationship between ITEM and ORDERED ITEM
how do you justify these are NON-identifying??
Please provide me with a few concrete example of mapping all kinds of relationships
while mapping an object model to data model....
Thanks in advance
Martin Paul

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