Does Rose have the feature described below?
If not, will a future version of Rose have such?

Greg Hartwig

Any change to any type of UML diagram in the common set of classes,
attributes, processes, tags, and UML descriptive notations (including
notes), should trigger corresponding and equivalent changes to all
corresponding diagrams.  A cascading update feature is a necessary feature
in a UML integrated development environment (IDE) that prevents the
developer's one change from requiring a tedious series of repetitious
For example, in an iterative and incremental process, one developer might
have a need to change the name of an actor in a UML diagram set where that
actor was referenced by 4 use case diagrams, 10 sequence diagrams, and 10
state diagrams.   It would be expected that a change to an actor's name
could be made one single time, and that that actor name change would be
cascaded throughout all 24 UML diagrams of different types. In a large
system of 1000s of UML diagrams, this feature would be even more essential. 

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