1. Why does SoDA collapse all nodes in the top-left pane of the
Template View dialog when the SoDA Template View dialog is activated?

Steps to reproduce the problem:

1) expand all nodes in the treeview
2) activate a window of another application
3) activate the SoDA Template View dialog again

All nodes are collapsed.

Furthermore, _ALL_ nodes are collapsed. That is, the state of all
nodes is RESET on activate. This can be observed by expanding a top
level node to reveal that all children of that node are collapsed.
Note that SoDA does exhibit standard treeview behaviour whereby,
given a treeview with all nodes expanded, if the user collapses a top
level node and then expands that node, all children of that top level
node remain expanded. However, SoDA does not extend this standard
state management and treeview behaviour to the handling of window

Hmmmm, and try to demonstrate this to someone.... Beware - don't
click the expand/collapse button to the left of a node in quick
succession, otherwise you will display the properties dialog for the
currently selected node of the treeview (the currently selected node
- not necessarily the node that you are expanding or collapsing -
nice work! - though, try TRIPLE-clicking anywhere in the pane to find
that the same properties dialog will display also)

I like it.
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