take alook at the following Rational Support's technote:
Why do I get the following error when I run the product: "Cannot find the suite objects.dll in the path" It installed without errors, what is wrong? ANSWER: This error can be caused by the following reasons. 1. The installation program did not add the path to the Rational common directory to your PATH statement. The common directory is located in the Rational install directory. You can verify that this is the problem by opening a DOS prompt and type the command PATH. Check the path statement to see if it is including the path to the common directory located in the Rational install directory. 2. Did the user reboot with the same user name to finish the installation? 3. Does the user have Admin rights? This technote describe the solution for reason 1. On Windows 9x; Manually add the path to the PATH statement in autoexec.bat. For the changes to take effect reboot the computer. EXAMPLE: Current path; PATH=C:\windows;C:\windows\command Add the path to the common directory. PATH=C:\windows;C:\windows\command;C:\Progra~1\Rational\common NOTE: Included the short pathname in the path statement: When installing on SOME win95/98 machines it has been found that the PATH needs to be setup in the autoexec.bat file so it is 8.3 compatible! PATH=C:\PROGRAM~1\RATIONAL\COMMON NOT PATH="C:\PROGRAM FILES\RATIONAL\COMMON" If the path doesn't adhere to DOS 8.3 rule you need to put the path within double quotes ("). Customer has also indicated that they cannot mix 8.3 format (progra~1) and full path statements in the same PATH statement. Typically the Rational installtion will create an RPATH statement for the Rational install directrory and then include it in the path statement. RPATH="C:\program files\Rational\common" PATH=C:\winnt;%RPATH% If the RPATH is in the PATH statement but the path to the Rational\common directory doesn't show when you do a PATH command from a DOS prompt then either change the format of the path for RPATH or add the path explicitly to the PATH statement. Ensured that the entire path statement is less than 255 characters. On NT; Add the path to the PATH statement in your system environment. Open Control Panel::System::Environment tab. Locate the PATH variable in the System Variables window. Edit the path. EXAMPLE: Current path; PATH=C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\system32 Add the path to the common directory. PATH=C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\system32;C:\Program Files\Rational\common It is also possible to find the suiteobjects.dll driver in the Rose installation directory and copy it into the %system32 directory. This will not address other needs for this environment variable to be correct and you will encounter future errors regarding this variable. Hanane
- (ROSE) Suite Objects.dll not found Png Lee Lee
- Mtafi, Hanane