
I assume that you are using Rose 2002?  In previous versions of Rose you
could add an entry called FixDuplicateIDs to the rose.ini and set it to Yes
the first time that you loaded the model with items that have duplicate ids
in it.  This settings would fix all duplicate ids.  After that you could
turn it off (by setting it to No).  The Solution listed below describes this
in more detail:

When opening a model, I am getting the following message:
> Warning: This model has multiple objects with the same unique id.

What does this mean and how can I fix this problem?

 Fix-up capability, is conditional on there being a rose.ini entry,
"FixDuplicateIds=Yes".   The fix entails changing the uids of units as they
are read in if a duplicate uid is detected. 

You can resolve this error by adding the following setting to the rose.ini


The fix entails checking the rose.ini setting, FixDuplicateIDs,  and if set,
regenerate unique ids when duplicates are encountered.   This rose.ini
setting is not written out by default and defaults 
to false if not specified, so the fixup code would never execute unless you
specifically set it.

You need to keep the following in mind when using this feature:


2) It's impossible to fix references to the uids since we don't know which
one the reference should point to.   We have to rely on resolution by name,
and if that doesn't work, some references might get resolved to the wrong
model item.

3) uids are used by many code generators (stored in the source code), so
changing uids could have negative impact.

4) all units should be writable and special care should be taken to do the
fix-up if the unit is read-only (make it writable) 

5) if unit is shared among models, make sure all models are updated or if
the unit is shared by several models (make sure name hasn't changed).

6) user should turn off this setting as soon as the model is fixed up.

To enable this fix:
1) Close Rose.
2) Locate rose.ini 

rose.ini default location under windows:

NOTE: below is the DEFAULT location for rose.ini.   This location can be
changed by modifying the following registry setting:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rational Software\Rose\IniFileDir


  rose.ini default location is in Rose's home directory (location of the


  rose.ini under profiles is used.

  Each user (login id) will have their own profile. By default the rose.ini
is stored under application_data of the profile directory of the user.

  C:\WINNT\Profiles\<<login_id>>\Application Data\Rational\Rose\6.0

  For example if you log in as administrator, the following location is

  C:\WINNT\Orofiles\administrator\Application Data\Rational\Rose\6.0

  NOTE: Making changes to rose.ini in home dir under NT has NO effect!

Windows 2000:

  rose.ini file is located in the following default location:

  C:\Documents and Settings\<<username>>\Application Data\Rational\Rose\6.0

  NOTE: By default this is now a hidden file and directory in Windows 2000,
which was not the case under NT.   To see it:

  1. Right-click My Computer, and then click Explore.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
  3. On the View tab, click Show hidden files and folders, and then click

  NOTE: Making changes to rose.ini in home dir under Window 2000 has NO

.rose.ini location under unix:

It is a hidden file in the home directory:


You should see it if you do a ls -a $HOME.

This file is copied from the location listed below,


The first time you start Rose.

Rose script program to confirm location of rose.ini

To determine the location of rose.ini you can run the following  Rose script
(Tools:New Script).

Sub Main
  MsgBox RoseApp.GetRoseIniPath()
End Sub

3) Open rose.ini in text editor
4) Locate the section that beings with
      [Rational Rose]
5) Add the following line anywhere below [Rational Rose] section.
      Note: this setting does not currently exist
      i.e. FixDuplicateIds=No setting, so you must add it.       
6) Save
7) Start Rose, load problem model, then File:Save

When FixDuplicateIds=yes is set in the rose.ini there should be a checkbox
on the save subunits dialog box.  This box has to be checked in order for
this to work.  Units are not marked as modified will not get fixed.  So you
will either have to touch affected units to get the new uids written, or
check the checkbox on the  "Save subunits" dialog to force a save of all
loaded units.

Save subunits
Save modified subunits of <filename>.mdl?
[] Force save of unmodified subunits that are loaded and writable
[Yes]   [No]

8) Quit Rose and turn off this setting as soon as the model is fixed.
9) If a unit is shared among models, make sure all models can load the unit
correctly after the uids have been modified.

So you could merge your models together with the duplicate ids present and
then implement the FixDuplicateIDs solution listed above to fix any
duplicate ids that you might encounter.  In Rose 2002 however there is no
rose.ini file.  All of the settings found in the rose.ini file have now been
moved to the registry.  You could therefore add the FixDuplicateIDs string
to the registry as described in the Solution listed below:
I have Rose 2001A/2002, and I am trying to use the "FixDuplicateIDs" to
resolve ID conflicts. 
Tech Note 8565 describes how I can do this by adding the "FixDuplicateIDs"
to the rose.ini file. However, there is no rose.ini file created when
installing Rose 2001A/2002 so I created one and added the setting
"FixDuplicateIDs = Yes", but that seems not to have any effect on

This settings is still possible to use from the rose.ini by default, but can
also be added to the registry, if this is the case then this setting in
rose.ini will be ignored by Rose2001A/2002. The setting "FixDuplicateIDs" is
not by default stored in the registry but if it has been added, then it has
to be removed in order to use this setting from rose.ini.

The locations of where the setting "FixDuplicateIDs" is stored in the
registry are:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rational Software\rose\Rose]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rational Software\Rose\Rose]

NOTE:Both registry keys must be created in the Windows environment, but only
the  [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rational Software\Rose\Rose] needs to be 
created in the Unix environment.

I don't need to tell you this but I will anyway...



Annamalai "Vishu" Viswanathan  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rose Technical Support Engineer

Rational Customer Service - Committed to Service Excellence
SCP Certified:

Rational User Conference 2002.....Freedom to Create!
Call for Papers Now Open at
August 18-22, 2002
Lake Buena Vista, Florida


-----Original Message-----
From: Jozsef Bedocs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 1:36 PM
Subject: (ROSE) radical changes of a model

Please let me explain the situation.  We have a Rose model whose use case
view has matured during its development in the first project.  We started a
new project and decided to use a copy of the first model (for all of the
usual short-sited reasons). During the tailoring of the model to the new
project, we discovered extensive opportunities for re-use (imagine that). 
Now a core model is being created, the first and new models would be
specializations of the core model.

Now this may seem like wonderful news; but as some of you (that have trodden
this road before) may realize, we have this slight complication. We have two
versions of the model whose use cases have the same ids.  So we cannot merge
the two models to make the relationships.

What we need to do is, for each use case in the new model assign a new id
and create a relation to the core use case using the old id.  There are 131
use cases; so I'm not real excited about a manual solution.

Any suggestions or scripts already written?  We are already guilty of
repeating the dis-functional cycle; don't want to be guilty of re-inventing
the wheel too.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or scipts (even snipets) that can be


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