I know this is pushing the envelope, but has anyone successfully used Microsoft's XMLDOM inside roseScript?
This is my code: Dim bOk As Boolean Dim domXml As String Dim objectStyle As String Dim objectXml As String Dim rootXml As String Dim xhtmlDom As Object Dim xhtmlObject As Object Dim xhtmlRoot As Object On Error GoTo localCatch bOk = False Set xhtmlDom = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0") 'Instantiate object. xhtmlDom.async = false bOk = xhtmlDom.load(fileName) If bOk = True Then domXml = "!!" + xhtmlDom.xml + "!!" MsgBox domXml xhtmlRoot = xhtmlDom.documentElement If xhtmlRoot Is Not Nothing Then rootXml = xhtmlRoot.xml Set xhtmlObject = xhtmlRoot.selectSingleNode("//" + xhtmlObjectId) End If Set xhtmlObject = xhtmlDom.selectSingleNode("id=" + xhtmlObjectId) objectXml = xhtmlObject.xml objectStyle = xhtmlObject.getAttribute("style") End If Set xhtmlDom = Nothing Set xhtmlObject = Nothing reverseObjectProperties = 1 Exit Function localCatch: Dim sErr As String sErr = "Error #: " + LTrim(Str(Err.Number)) + NL sErr = sErr + "Error Desc: " + Err.Description + NL MsgBox sErr RoseApp.WriteErrorLog sErr Set xhtmlDom = Nothing Set xhtmlObject = Nothing End Function And it seems to choke pretty consistently.... Any ideas? Thx P ________________________ Peter Hazlehurst Chief Technology Officer Mercari Technologies http: www.mercaritech.com w: 703.294.6727 x367 c: 703.597.1750 f: 703.294.6516 efax: 801.457.9458 (PrivateLine)
Description: application/ms-tnef