
        My approach to show "Friendship" information between two or
more classes in diagrams would be via a simple RoseScript. I have
attached a simple RoseScript that queries all of the classes in a
model and it checks to see if the "Friendship" flag has been set
for any Dependency/Inheritance relationships between each class,
and then simply stereotypes that relationship with "<</Friendship>>"
string. Alternatively, you may want to add a Note and anchoring
it to the participating classes in a relationship requiring a
'Friendship' - for the simplicity of the script, I used the 
Stereotype property.

Hope this helps,

Thank you,

Shaquille Asghari
Senior Support Engineer
Rational Customer Service - Committed to Service Excellence
SCP Certified:- http://www.rational.com/support/scp.jsp
the software development company

==========Original Messege==========

-----Original Message-----
From: mshetty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 7:09 PM
To: 'Rose Forum'
Subject: (ROSE) How to depict friend classes in a class diagram ??


Is it possible to indicate that a class is a friend of
another class in the class diagram of Rose ??

Thanks and Regards,

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Attachment: Friendship.zip
Description: Binary data

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