I haven't tried each one of these but ...(see embedded)

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexiev, Nikolay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 6:49 AM
To: Rational
Subject: (ROSE) Can't find this properties

I can't find some properties in REI.
I write names that I see in element's specification.

Transition.GuardCondition - transition.gettriggerevent.guardcondition
Transition.Action - transition.gettriggeraction or getsendaction
Transition.Arguments - transition.gettriggeraction.arguments
Object.State - objectinstance.statemachineowner.statemachines
SwimLane.Class - swimlane.getclass
Class.Type - class.classkind

Please tell me how to locate this elements using REI.

thanks in advance

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