
There are a couple of comparisons you might wish to work on:

-  Rose vs. TJ
-  Rational XDE Professional for the Java Platform vs. TJ.

The first release of Rational XDE is targeted squarely at VS .NET and Java

An Evaluators Guide for Rational XDE can be downloaded from  If you do
not have access to XDE, this document provides instructions for downloading
the eval.

BTW, I think that you will find some aspects of XDE to be absolutely
amazing.  The support for out-of-the-box and custom patterns and code
templates is awesome.  For example, in an analysis model you can create a
class with a stereotype that is meaningful to you; XDE can automatically
expand the class into a pattern that you have defined and bound to that
stereotype; XDE can place the expansion into a different model, say a Java
code model, that is part of the same modeling project; and, finally, XDE can
generate custom code for the expanded pattern, using code templates that you
have associated with pieces of the pattern.  

I recently heard someone say that the quickest and most error-free way to do
a development step was to not do it at all, but to automate it.  XDE's
support for custom patterns and code templates will go a long way toward
freeing us from having to write repetitive code.

R a t i o n a l
the software development company(tm) 

Todd Dunnavant
Technical Lead, South Texas
Office Phone #:  (281) 431-8751
Fax Phone #:     (281) 431-8791
E-mail address:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] < mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Rational's Mission:  "To ensure the success of Customers who 
depend on software development and deployment."

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank J. Lagattuta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 9:58 AM
Subject: (ROSE) Rose v Together

I'm trying to gather info to compare Rose against Together ControlCenter.
Is anyone familiar with this product?  Can anyone provide any details
about the differences or point me to a place where I can find more

Thanks in advance,

Frank Lagattuta                                            Arborte><t Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          Ann Arbor, MI
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