
   I suspect that something went wrong during installation.  Do you have a copy of the setup log?  It is typically located at: C:\Program Files\Rational\RSSetup\RSSetup.log.  You can open it up in a text editor and search for "error". 

   One initial thought is to uninstall and re-install Rose.

   If neither of these options reveal anthing there are a few other areas one can check.  Let me know.
   I would start by listing the specifc OS ,Sevice Release of the OS, and version of Rose.






  Shailesh Joshi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am new to Rational Rose. Just now i installed Rose
for evaluation purpose. When i start Rose, It gives me
an error Initialization error and while quiting, it
gives NullPointer Error.

How can i solve this problem.


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