Try reverse engineering only a subset of the package you have already tried
to reverse engineer. Repeat this until you have reverse engineered all
classes in the package. You may find that Rose cannot reverse engineer some
classes at all. Some standard C++ language elements can upset Rose's reverse
engineer process due to Rose's incomplete support for standard C++.


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank J. Lagattuta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 8 July 2002 17:04
Subject: (ROSE) Problems reverse engineering with VC++

I've run into problems reverse engineering a VC++ project.  I am trying
to reverse engineer a project that is part of a bigger workspace.  In
Rose I select

   Tools -> Visual C++ -> Update Model from Code...

I select the project from a running instance of Visual Studio and start
the reverse engineering process.  The progress dialog states that it is
parsing the files and proceeds quite well for a while.  Inevitably,
progress stalls with the CPU pegged at 100%.  When I return to my
hours later the progress meter is at the same place and I have several
system dialogs on screen warning that my memory is low.  The reverse
engineer process does not proceed any further and Rose is unresponsive.
My only recourse is to kill Rose from Task Manager.

This is reproducible -- I've tried 3 times today with the same result
each time!  Note: the reverse engineer process does not fail while
parsing the same file each time, so I don't believe the problem has
anything to do with the content of the files being reverse engineered
(but I may be wrong).

Here is my setup:

  Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2

  Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 SP5

  Rational Rose Professional C++ Edition
    Release Version 2002.05.01
    Addin: Rose 7.6.0201.0210
    Addin: VC++ 7.6
I've searched for info on the Rational Web site and looked for any
patches I may be missing -- no luck.  Please advise on how to get
the VC++ reverse engineering to work.


Frank Lagattuta
Arborte><t, Inc.
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