I'm afraid there's no way to create an association directly in the browser.
But you can create associations using a Rose script.  Check in the online
help for the AddAssociation method in the Class class.  The syntax for this
method is as follows:

Set theAssociation = theClass.AddAssociation (theSupplierRoleName,



Annamalai "Vishu" Viswanathan  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Technical Support Engineer

Rational Customer Service - Committed to Service Excellence
SCP Certified:  http://www.rational.com/support/scp.jsp

Rational User Conference 2002.....Freedom to Create!
Call for Papers Now Open at http://www.rational.com/ruc
August 18-22, 2002
Lake Buena Vista, Florida

-----Original Message-----
From: Sundareswaran, Sumesh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 11:39 AM
To: Viswanathan, Annamalai
Subject: RE: (ROSE) Creating an association


But I wanted to know of a way to create it without actually drawing it on a
diagram. Is there a shortcut for creating it in the browser?

Sumesh Sundareswaran
KPMG Consulting - Atlanta,GA
Off : 404-352-6519
Cell : 678-524-3022

-----Original Message-----
From: Viswanathan, Annamalai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 2:36 PM
To: Sundareswaran, Sumesh; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: (ROSE) Creating an association


You could initially create it on a diagram and then shallow delete it, i.e.
if you select the association and then hit the 'Delete' key this will remove
it from the diagram but not from the model itself.  If you select the
association and do a Ctrl+D this will remove it from the model itself, i.e.
this would be a deep delete.


Annamalai "Vishu" Viswanathan  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Technical Support Engineer

Rational Customer Service - Committed to Service Excellence
SCP Certified:  http://www.rational.com/support/scp.jsp

Rational User Conference 2002.....Freedom to Create!
Call for Papers Now Open at http://www.rational.com/ruc
August 18-22, 2002
Lake Buena Vista, Florida

-----Original Message-----
From: Sundareswaran, Sumesh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 11:34 AM
Subject: (ROSE) Creating an association

How can I create an association between two objects without drawing it in a
class diagram?

Sumesh Sundareswaran
KPMG Consulting - Atlanta,GA
Off : 404-352-6519
Cell : 678-524-3022

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