Leslie Munday wrote:
> 1) What is the difference between showing, all transitions coming from the
> initial activity and flowing into each of the subsequent parallel activities,
> and
> showing a single transition from the initial activity as entering a
> synchronization bar and then several transitions exiting the synchonization bar
> and entering my parallel activities?

I haven't done enough with activity diagrams, but here's how it looks to

The initial activity executes in 1 "tick" so the multiple transitions
out of it are simulaneous.  A synchronization bar in the diagram is
harmless but redundant.

If you have an initial state, instead of an activity, the state can use
an indeterminate number of ticks (including 0) between the transitions,
so the parallel threads may be *launched* asynchronously, and a
synchronization bar is very significant.

> 2) What is the difference between showing, all transition from parallel
> activities entering my single terminal activity, and
> all transitions from parallel activities entering a synchronization bar and a
> single transition from the synchronization bar entering my terminal activity?

If it is a terminal activity with multiple, asynchronous, incoming
transitions, I would expect it to take the first event from any thread
and execute in 1 tick.  This is probably a design flaw, since it may not
be clear what is intended from the system when the subsequent events
arrive.  A synchronization bar certainly makes a difference.

A terminal state would be capable of collecting the incoming events,
thus getting the whole system back to a single thread.  A
synchrononization bar here tells you that the state will wait for
synchronization before completing a response to the collection of
events.  (It bugs me a little that the notation puts this characteristic
of the state outside of its icon.)

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