(responding to Eric)

> At the risk of going on forever, and never, never stopping:  I have been
> using (silly me) the Rose term, "activity," for what the UML Spec calls
> an "action state."  My bible on the UML is the OMG Spec, Version 1.4. 
> (Search reveals no "activity state" there.)

Ah, yes, therein lies a problem.  I refer you to an earlier 
statement I made...

> This information may go out of date with UML 2.0, but...

As I haven't finished wading through 1.4 either, I guess
I should have included that too.  I find the need to have
a process for tracking standards a bit disconcerting ;-)
but OTOH at least OMG seem to be addressing and 
fixing problems with earlier versions of the standard.

>[Les had the right idea about all this.  I'm going to lie down
> for a  while, now.]

Good idea.  I shall do the same.

Paul Oldfield


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