You can customise this on a per-role (Standard Specification:Java A) or
on a global basis (Model Properties:Edit:Java:Role). In both cases look
for the setting "Container Class" and change it to whatever you like
(Vector, LinkedList, etc.). As you have discovered, the default is an

Richard Chrenko

> Anurag Shah-Edventure Systems wrote:
> Hi,
> In rose when I create a association relation between 2 classes and try
> to generate java code out of it I get code like :
> public class A
> {
>    public B theB[ ];
>    /**
>     * @roseuid 3D3648F5012C
>     */
>    public A()
>    {
>    }
> }
> Now instead of the array it has created can I customize rose such that
> it can generate vectors instead?
> Ofcourse I can modify the code but it can get tedious if i have to
> make this change in too many classes.
> Thanks in advance.
> Anurag
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