After looking a bit further, I did in fact find a way to save individual
controlled units (File:Units:Save) without saving the entire Rose model.

I then (not entirely cleanly) solved the issue with source controlling
the Rose controlled units by limiting the Rose MDL file to contain only
references to the controlled units. This requires that any subfolder
contained within the Logical View or Component View be a controlled
unit. In addition, for this approach to work all Associations must be
contained within the controlled units (as opposed to directly in the
Logical View). The goal here is that developer changes no longer affect
the MDL file.

In order to make the Rose model ClearCase-view-capable (i.e. no absolute
paths), the second step was to change the references to the controlled
units in the MDL file to relative paths using a text editor. 

Using this 2 step approach, individual developers can work on their
respective controlled units without affecting the MDL file or other
controlled units.

One slight problem I found is that when the source-controlled MDL file
is not checked out, Rose is unable to customise its environment by
loading certain TTY files. One way around this would be for each
developer to do an unreserved checkout of the MDL file - being sure to
undo the checkout when finished.

Richard Chrenko

Lorenzetti_P wrote:
> Have you heard anything regarding this?  I have the same problem.
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Chrenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 5:02 AM
> Subject: (ROSE) source control issue with Rose controlled units
> My Rose project contains several "controlled units" (.cat or .sub files)
> in addition to the overall model (.mdl) file. Rose does not allow me to
> save individual controlled units, but instead saves all constituent
> files in one fell swoop. My question is what happens if various
> developers have checked out and are working on separate controlled units
> and wish to save them? Are the .mdl file and the unchanged controlled
> units overwritten in each developer's view and then flagged as hijacked
> by ClearCase? If so, how does this affect the check-in process?
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