>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Minimole Liz Thomas (Systems)  
> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 12:57 PM
> Subject:      Use Case Model and Use Case Spec 
> We have a transaction which will be first entered , then verified and later 
>authorized. The entry , verification and authorization will be mostly done by 3 
>individuals having diffferent permissions and at different points in time. In very 
>rare cases the entry, verfication and authorization can be done by the same person, 
>or may be the verification and authorization can be done by the same person. Also the 
>verification will take place only if the entry is done and authorization will take 
>place only if the verification is done. 
> How will we model the Use Case for such a transaction, the Actors of the use case 
>and how will the steps be in the Use Case Specification? 
> Please send in your valuable suggestions.
> Thanking you in advance.
> Minimole Liz Thomas
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