Rose 2000
The data model was created from the classes using Sybase adaptive server 12.x defined in the component view package. I chose automatic generation of keys, creating columns in almost all tables with _ID suffix of type IDENTITY. Forward engineer of above model to ddl. All boxes were checked save 'fully qualified names' and 'quoted identifiers'. Problem 1) The definition of the IDENTITY fields in the table definitions of the data model and the subsequent ddl based on the data model does not adhere to Sybase syntax. Generated value: JCS_Job_ID INT IDENTITY NOT NULL Should be : JCS_Job_ID NUMERIC ( 18 ) IDENTITY NOT NULL Fix: manually define IDENTITY fields of type numeric (18,0) Problem 2) The ddl creates FK constraints. Sybase generates the lines in the sysobjects table with type=RI. The same ddl contains drop statements at the beginning. These statements are looking for FK constraints in the sysobjects table of type=F. The ddl is not re-useable. I'm pretty new to rose and schema and ddl generation, so I may be overlooking the obvious. I expected automatic generation to have limits, but not yet. What is wrong? Thanks, Peter Peter M. Lorenzetti Bureau of Labor Statistics 2 Massachusetts Ave., N.E. Washington, D.C. 20212 202.691.6692 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ************************************************************************ * Rose Forum is a public venue for ideas and discussions. * For technical support, visit * * Post or Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Subscription Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Archive of messages: * * Other Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * To unsubscribe from the list, please send email * To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Subject: <BLANK> * Body: unsubscribe rose_forum *************************************************************************