
<<Number six in the misguided list is "Don't Be Concerned with Defining
Business Rules" and is all about putting the business rules at the heart of
the use cases. It
seems a sensible place to put them to me.>>
Ellen Gottesdiener's point is that we need to be concerned with defining and
managing business rules. Part of her practice centers around managing
business rules and the application of the business rules approach. Rules
certainly need to be *traced* to requirements, such as use cases - but not
included in them. Lets say business rule BR1 impacts many use cases. If BR1
were to be included (buried) within each of these use cases, you would have
to repeat the same logic over and over again. Business rules need to managed
on their own terms.

I like the idea of going from a particular use case step, to the decision(s)
that step requires the business to make, to statements that enforce the
result of the decisions made by business (business rules).


 ----- Original Message -----
From: "G H Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "rose_forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 4:29 AM
Subject: RE: (ROSE) UML and Business Rules

> Hi all
> I'm just getting back up to speed again with current use case thinking
> after spending some time at the other end of the project lifecycle and I
> reading this thread with interest.
> A few days ago, I read a article in "The Rational Edge" entitled "Ten Ways
> Project Teams Misuse Use Cases" by Ellen Gottesdiener. Number six in the
> misguided list is "Don't Be Concerned with Defining Business Rules" and is
> all about putting the business rules at the heart of the use cases. It
> seems a sensible place to put them to me.
> http://www.therationaledge.com/content/jun_02/t_misuseUseCases_eg.jsp
> Graham
> --
> Graham Smith                  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Principal Software Engineer              phone: +44 (0)1245 275028
> Marconi Mobile (UK) Ltd
> New Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1PL
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