opps, let's try this again. You said Access. Sorry not sure where I got Excel from. Anyways here some Access examples:
Using Rose script to communicate with Access: One can write a script (using Rose's scripting language) to use OLE to move infomration between the two. Short Rose script example: Sub Main Dim Access_app As Object Set Access_app = CreateObject("Access.Application") Access_app.Visible = True Access_app.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\samples\orders.mdb" Access_app.Visible = True End Sub Rose script is a VB compatible language (Summit Basic) along with the Rose objects (REI rose extensibility interface). The next step would be to access the database infomration via Access OLE interface and then convert that to Rose objects via the REI. Unfortunetly I am unaware of any existing scripts to work with Access (except the one I copied below). As a starting point see sample script that ships with Rose, /Rose... /scripts/excel.ebs for an example script that uses OLE to write information to an excel spreadsheet. Same principles apply to Access. Only difference is the object's properties and methods that are unique to each application. You would need to refer to Microsoft documentation for the Access specific keywords. For information on scripts in general see, OLE Automation: Communicating with Other Applications" http://www.microsoft.com/AccessDev/Articles/comothap.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------- Code example posted to the Rose forum: To: "'Rose Forum'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I wrote a script that accesses via OLE (actvieX) an MSAccess database. Tables in tehh MSAccess database reflect the structure of the model. Subroutines in the MSAccess database populate these tables with information from the model. Example: The database is called "RoseModel.mdb" and contains a table "tblClasses" that has columns psk, name, documentation and category. Also a module called "RationalRose_subs" is defined. Subroutines and functions in this module will be accessed from from my Rational Rose model (the .mdl file). I included some coding (see end of my reply) The procedure is as follows: *)The model is loaded into Rational Rose. *)The "export model information" script is loaded into Rational Rose. *)The script is runned and the tables in the MSAccess database are populated. This procedure is not as flexible as XML would be but it has the advantage for that once I have the model information inn an MSAcces adatabase I can generate reports that exactly reflect the information that I require. And this method has a few conditions that have to be met beforehand: 1. An MSacces database must exist that reflects the information that you want to store from the model. 2. In the MSAccess database subroutines must exist that access the tables in the database. 3. Last but not least, you need to have knowledge of MSAccess databases and accessing tables via VBA. Another thing to keep in mind is that there is a strong coupling between the Rational Rose script and the database that is populated. The tricky thing is to set up an initial database, after that you gain in efficiency because you can easily add extra columns to tables and quickly generate custom made reports etc. so that specific information can be obtained fast. -----[ START OF CODE ]----- Sub ExportModelInformation ... ... ... ' ' Open the MSAcces database. Create it if necessary ' Set msaApp = getobject (dbLocation & dbName,"Access.application") Set msaDbs = msaApp.currentdb ' Open database msaApp.run "rroAddSession", sessionName, startofModule ' ' Retrieve information from the model and ' populate tables in MSAccess database ' Dim theCategoryCollection As CategoryCollection Dim theCategory As Category ' Open table "tblCategories" ' (rrOpentables is a sub in the MSACcess database) msaApp.run "rroOpentables", tblCategories ' Retrieve package information from the model ' and populate table "tblCategories" ' (rroAddRecord is a sub in the MSAccess database) Set theCategoryCollection = theModel.GetAllCategories() For i=1 To theCategoryCollection.count Set theCategory = theCategoryCollection.GetAt(i) msaApp.run "rroAddRecord", tblCategories,theCategory.name, theCategory.documentation next i ... ... ... ' Close database and finish application msaDbs.close msaApp.quit MsgBox "Dataloading finished" End Sub -----[ END OF CODE ]----- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: Ronald W Townsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:59 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: (ROSE) Rose Scripting and MS Access97 Does anyone have some example Rose Scripting Code showing how to work with Acess97? Create/Update/Query? ************************************************************************ * Rose Forum is a public venue for ideas and discussions. * For technical support, visit http://www.rational.com/support * Only plain-text messages are supported. * HTML or Rich-Text messages may be rejected. * * Post or Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Subscription Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Archive of messages: * http://www.rational.com/support/usergroups/rose/rose_forum.jsp * Other Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * To unsubscribe from the list, please send email * To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Subject: <BLANK> * Body: unsubscribe rose_forum ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************ * Rose Forum is a public venue for ideas and discussions. * For technical support, visit http://www.rational.com/support * Only plain-text messages are supported. * HTML or Rich-Text messages may be rejected. * * Post or Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Subscription Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Archive of messages: * http://www.rational.com/support/usergroups/rose/rose_forum.jsp * Other Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * To unsubscribe from the list, please send email * To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Subject: <BLANK> * Body: unsubscribe rose_forum *************************************************************************