I have Reverse Engineered a VStudio Project into Rose , it only uses the
header files so it did not pick up many of the relationships which are
actually in the C files.
A number of my classes appeared to have no relationship with each other
but on further inspections alot of the objects were being initialized in
the functions. 
What is the actual image used in Rose, is it a solid line or broken line
with arrow? or is it aggregation?

"Leeuw, Gerard de" wrote:
> Niall,
> The class instantiating the other will be dependent on the other. You
> use a dependency here. These dependencies are often omitted in the
> model in order to keep it clean.
> Greetings,
> Gerard de Leeuw
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Niall Fallon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Verzonden: woensdag 5 maart 2003 19:05
> Onderwerp: (ROSE) Association through Functions
> In VC++ if an object is instantiated and initialized in the function
> of
> another class , what is the relationship between them? and how do I
> represent it in Rose?
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