we'd like to use the Unisys XMI exporter for Rose to export our large Rose models to XMI. We have tried several versions, including 1.3.5, but keep getting a stack overflow error at 1/3 of the export process (smaller models work fine). Is there any way to increase the stack size of the RoseScript iterpreter? Is there any way to receive the Unisys XMI exporter as source code? -- thanks, Peter Holzwarth. ************************************************************************ * Rose Forum is a public venue for ideas and discussions. * For technical support, visit http://www.rational.com/support * Only plain-text messages are supported. * HTML or Rich-Text messages may be rejected. * * Post or Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Subscription Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Archive of messages: * http://www.rational.com/support/usergroups/rose/rose_forum.jsp * Other Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * To unsubscribe from the list, please send email * To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Subject: <BLANK> * Body: unsubscribe rose_forum *************************************************************************