Dear Satish, When I started to study uml relationship, I was confused about that also.
Now, I'm got clearer. There are 4 relationships on the class diagram. Number one is dependency. This is a very weak relationship. I'd like to explain when this relationship applies while coding... which I think is easier than other ways. dependency relationship is made between two classes if one class' operation has the other class type's variable, the other class type's arguement or the other class type's return value. And the arrow is directed to this. Next is association relationship. This means one class has a member variable of the other class' type. And aggregation. This is indicating whole-part relationship. So, the diamond side means whole. So is composition. What's the difference between the two? Aggregation and composition's life cycles are different. Aggregation is available where despite of the whole's removal, parts are not removed. componsition where in case of the whole's removal, parts are also removed. Can you figure out? Best regards, Nam, Seungho --- Satish Byali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hi All, > > Can anybody elaborate - Types of relationships that > i can get from a Class > Diagram and when to use them? > I'm bit confused in this aspect. > > Thanks n Regards, > -Satish Byali. > ************************************************************************ > * Rose Forum is a public venue for ideas and > discussions. > * For technical support, visit > > * Only plain-text messages are supported. > * HTML or Rich-Text messages may be rejected. > * > * Post or Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > * Subscription Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > * Archive of messages: > * > > * Other Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > * > * To unsubscribe from the list, please send email > * To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > * Subject: <BLANK> > * Body: unsubscribe rose_forum > ************************************************************************* > __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop! ************************************************************************ * Rose Forum is a public venue for ideas and discussions. * For technical support, visit * Only plain-text messages are supported. * HTML or Rich-Text messages may be rejected. * * Post or Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Subscription Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Archive of messages: * * Other Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * To unsubscribe from the list, please send email * To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Subject: <BLANK> * Body: unsubscribe rose_forum *************************************************************************