

The arrows in UML do not specify the direction of the relationship. Only the foreign key constraint will specify what the parent table and what the child table is. The navigability in UML specifies the direction of the relationship that is much easier to follow. In case of relational databases you really can go in both directions with comparable effort.

This means that we do not specify navigability for the data model in any case.





Davor Gornik

Rational Software

IBM Software Group





-----Original Message-----
From: Vinicius Barbosa Morais [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 12:12 PM
Subject: (ROSE) Data Model to Object Model


When I try to Transfom Data Model to Object Model
Rose aways build bi-diretional navigation.
What I have to do to build only diretional navigation?


Can anyone help me?



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