The .mdl and .cat files are text files that can be viewed by using Notepad.

You did not mention if your model uses pathmaps to specify the location of
your .cat files. If so, you will have a line that may look like
                file_name       "$abc\\UCV Use-Case"
where 'abc' is the pathmap defined for each user to a specific location on
their machine.

If you do not use pathmaps to specify the location of the .cat files, then
the line may refer to the absolute pathname: 
                file_name       "C:\\ccview\\UCV Use-Case"

You will need to edit the necessary files (very carefully!!) to fix this as
necessary. NOTE that you have to have 2 backslashes wherever only one is
used normally because this a UNIX-like reference in which the \ is an escape


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Nusbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 12:50
Subject: (ROSE) Moving .mdl and .cat files - How do I update the .mdl to
find the .cat in the new directory?

Hi there,
Using Rose 2002 Windows,

We have a .mdl file and some .cat files.

We actually have this stored in Clearcase.

The user needed to move these files into a new directory, we did this and it
seemed to be fine,

However when we open the .mdl file, it is still looking in the old directory
for a .cat file.  They are all together in this new directory though - how
do I update the .mdl file to have it search in the new/current directory for
the .cat ?


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