Title: AW: (ROSE) Moving .mdl and .cat files - How do I update the .mdl to find the .cat in the new directory?

It should be enough to load the whole model (mdl+cat) from the old location and inserting
a VirtualPathMap entry. ($MODELROOT=<directoryWhereMdlLies>). Then save the model.
Rose should replace that values.
Then you can move the model files and change the VPMs value.

Jan Matčrne

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Klinksiek, Debra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Montag, 2. Juni 2003 16:04
> An: 'Paul Nusbaum'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Betreff: RE: (ROSE) Moving .mdl and .cat files - How do I update the
> .mdl to find the .cat in the new directory?
> The .mdl and .cat files are text files that can be viewed by
> using Notepad.
> You did not mention if your model uses pathmaps to specify
> the location of
> your .cat files. If so, you will have a line that may look like
>               file_name       "$abc\\UCV Use-Case Model.cat"
> where 'abc' is the pathmap defined for each user to a
> specific location on
> their machine.
> If you do not use pathmaps to specify the location of the
> .cat files, then
> the line may refer to the absolute pathname:
>               file_name       "C:\\ccview\\UCV Use-Case Model.cat"
> You will need to edit the necessary files (very carefully!!)
> to fix this as
> necessary. NOTE that you have to have 2 backslashes wherever
> only one is
> used normally because this a UNIX-like reference in which the
> \ is an escape
> char.
> HTH,
> Debbie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Nusbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 12:50
> Subject: (ROSE) Moving .mdl and .cat files - How do I update
> the .mdl to
> find the .cat in the new directory?
> Hi there,
> Using Rose 2002 Windows,
> We have a .mdl file and some .cat files.
> We actually have this stored in Clearcase.
> The user needed to move these files into a new directory, we
> did this and it
> seemed to be fine,
> However when we open the .mdl file, it is still looking in
> the old directory
> for a .cat file.  They are all together in this new directory
> though - how
> do I update the .mdl file to have it search in the
> new/current directory for
> the .cat ?
> thanks
> -PaN
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