OK. I don't see a problem.
"lman" is my username - The first line in my profile/personal data
I have no idea at the moment what the problem is.
Maybe try with a completely new repository ?
Anyone else any ideas ?
On 1/9/22 20:23, David Faure wrote:
$ git remote -v
origin git://git.code.sf.net/p/rosegarden/git (fetch)
origin git://git.code.sf.net/p/rosegarden/git (push)
personal ssh://dfaure_...@git.code.sf.net/u/userid-591851/rosegarden
personal ssh://dfaure_...@git.code.sf.net/u/userid-591851/rosegarden
I'm used to doing it this way, the "upstream" is still called origin
and my personal fork is called "personal".
I push local branches using git push -f personal HEAD:`git branch --show`
I just noticed something though: your remote says /u/lman
while mine says /u/userid-591851 instead of the expected /u/dfaure_kde,
no idea why...
On dimanche 9 janvier 2022 19:51:15 CET Philip Leishman wrote:
Not sure what is going on here.
can you go to your local repository, call "git remote -v" and post the
When I do that in my cloned repository I get:
git remote -v
origin ssh://l...@git.code.sf.net/u/lman/rosegarden (fetch)
origin ssh://l...@git.code.sf.net/u/lman/rosegarden (push)
upstream git://git.code.sf.net/p/rosegarden/git (fetch)
upstream git://git.code.sf.net/p/rosegarden/git (push)
Note I added the main repository as upstream with:
git remote add upstream git://git.code.sf.net/p/rosegarden/git
See Ted's excellent guide to rosegarden git:
see "Developer Workflow (Fork)"
On 1/9/22 19:28, David Faure wrote:
I deleted work/dfaure/okular and pushed another branch called
change_okular_description. I even amended the commit to make
sure it's not the same sha1. That push said:
remote: No project at /u/dfaure_kde/rosegarden
+ cd1d15e0f...072137b6a HEAD -> change_okular_description (forced
I wonder if the first line is a harmless warning or a real problem?
I'm pushing tossh://dfaure_...@git.code.sf.net/u/userid-591851/rosegarden
as indicated by the web interface.
In any case, the reason for this email is that it doesn't work at all.
still shows the old branch and doesn't show the new branch.
And if I manually enter the expected URL
on/~/tree/ this doesn't work.
Thanks for your help.
On dimanche 9 janvier 2022 19:15:45 CET Philip Leishman wrote:
I never had a problem creating merge requests.
The only thing I see different to my merge requests is that you have /
in the branch name - I never did that.
I use bug-<bug-id>-<bug description> or
feature-<feature-id>-<feature-description> as my branch names.
Maybe try a different branch name ?
I could clone your repository and see the change in the branch with no
On 1/9/22 18:57, David Faure wrote:
Can you guys create merge requests from a branch in your fork on
sourceforge? When I try, I get the attached error.
There's one commit in that branch, on top of master.
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