We're going to do a release in April, so here's your chance to get your 
translation updated before the release.

There are very few string changes, and this is one of the easiest updates 

Note that we no longer have a Russian translator, so that language is up for 

Developers should note that a string freeze is officially in effect, and they 
should avoid making code chances that have an impact on the translations.  I 
don't expect this to be much of a problem, since there were so few string 
changes this cycle anyway.

I'm thinking to roll out the release in 1-2 weeks, depending on how things go 
from here.


                   rosegarden.ts contains 4326 messages

Language   Total     Translated  Untranslated   Unfinished   Obsolete  Status
--------   -----     ----------  ------------   ----------   --------  -------
en_GB      4327      107         4202           0            0         [%%%%%]  
en_US      4327      22          4288           0            0         [%%%%%]  
es         4327      4282        0              0            8         [%%%%%]  
cs         4326      4530        153            16           418       [%%%%-]  
de         4326      4299        17             16           45        [%%%%-]  
en         4327      22          4288           16           0         [%%%%-]  
fr         4327      4103        209            16           40        [%%%%-]  
pt_BR      4326      4246        34             16           8         [%%%%-]  
sv         4327      4304        17             16           47        [%%%%-]  
ja         4327      4112        193            130          28        [%%%%-]  
fi         4327      4013        364            228          102       [%%%%-]  
it         4327      4162        506            390          401       [%%%%-]  
zh_CN      4327      4270        281            396          268       [%%%%-]  
ru         4327      3439        847            1095         24        [%%%--]  
nl         4328      2950        1364           1162         30        [%%%--]  
id         4327      2220        2102           2191         23        [%%---]  
ca         4327      2647        1897           4324         273       [-----]  
cy         4327      2029        2516           4324         251       [-----]  
et         4327      2046        2452           4324         190       [-----]  
eu         4327      2720        1825           4324         272       [-----]  
pl         4327      2826        1741           4324         294       [-----]  

Total:        total strings that are not obsolete

Translated:   strings that have been translated

Untranslated: strings that have no translation (may be finished)

Unfinished:   strings that have not been marked as finished (may or
              may not have a translation)

Obsolete:     strings were translated, but these translations are no
              longer used in the source (frequently happens after
              someone edits a text to make a correction)

Report produced on Mon, 19 Mar 2012 20:06:32 -0400

D. Michael McIntyre

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