Seriously?  Thunderbird doesn't have any way to change the line wrap 

This is mangled, but whatever.

Here's where translations are for the late 13.06 release.  I just 
knocked through most of the 115 new translations, many of which are 
irrelevant capitalization changes in the target language that you can 
just Ctrl+1 Ctrl+Enter through in short order.

Everything else is some evil stuff that's impressively hard to 
translate.  Y'all have fun with that.  You'll love it!

I have no idea when I'll actually do the release.  Let's tentatively 
plan it for 22 July.


                    rosegarden.ts contains 4437 messages

Language   Total     Translated  Untranslated   Unfinished   Obsolete
--------   -----     ----------  ------------   ----------   --------
es         4438      4412        26             24           54
cs         4437      4580        253            115          459
de         4437      4350        117            115          87
en_GB      4438      107         4313           115          0
en_US      4438      22          4399           115          0
fr         4438      4132        331            120          82
en         4438      22          4399           151          0
it         4438      4542        271            151          436
sv         4438      4320        149            154          84
pt_BR      4437      4251        174            164          42
ja         4438      4167        287            219          68
fi         4438      4015        502            373          131
zh_CN      4438      4271        422            538          299
ru         4438      3442        990            1241         59
nl         4439      2953        1497           1300         55
id         4438      2222        2238           2329         50
ca         4438      2649        2020           4435         287
cy         4438      2031        2639           4435         265
et         4438      2048        2575           4435         204
eu         4438      2722        1949           4435         287
pl         4438      2828        1866           4435         310

Total:        total strings that are not obsolete

Translated:   strings that have been translated

Untranslated: strings that have no translation (may be finished)

Unfinished:   strings that have not been marked as finished (may or
               may not have a translation)

Obsolete:     strings were translated, but these translations are no
               longer used in the source (frequently happens after
               someone edits a text to make a correction)

Report produced on Tue, 09 Jul 2013 04:54:53 -0400

D. Michael McIntyre

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