On 06/15/2014 01:39 PM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
> On 12/06/14 11:37, Andrew wrote:
>> Hi, all
>> I've always had the inkling that this was possible, because the interface 
>> options seemed to suggest it is, but now I finally need this functionality 
>> and am trying it but it doesn't seem to work.
>> I have set up two inputs at once - vkeyboard and an external keyboard.  
>> Outisde of RG the two seem to work OK, in concurrence and without 
>> interference; I assign each input to a different output, in qsynth, and they 
>> are played simultaneously and produce two distinct sounds, without crossing 
>> over.
>> So, I wanted to use them both in a single RG recording session, recording 
>> two tracks at once, but track 1 getting input ONLY from vkeyboard, and track 
>> 2 getting input ONLY from the external keyboard.
>> And when I tried this, there was total crossover!  All the midi signals 
>> generated by both inputs got recorded on each of the two tracks tagged for 
>> recording.  Even though, in the instrument panel, under "Recording filters", 
>> I designated vkeyboard for track 1 and external keyboard for track 2.
>> I also tinkered with channels, though not thoroughly.
>> What am I doing wrong?  Or did I even infer correctly that this is possible?
> Try assigning each keyboard to a midi channel and then using midi
> recording filters (the option needs to be expanded for each track)..?

( changed my from address to bric@.... , due to technical glitches )

I eventually achieved the separation, but here's my journey there, laced 
with periodic flakiness, inconsistent and erratic behavior by the RG + 
QSynth + qjackctrl complex.

I tried it your way, with the external keyboard on channel 1, in the RG 
recording filter (I don't think there's a way to set the channel on the 
keyboard itself - not sure). I set my vkeyboard to channel 2, and same 
in the RG recording filter. And — irony of ironies — the vkeyboard 
failed to record, while the external recorded (!) (I would have expected 
the other way around, since I could NOT assign the outgoing channel 
value from the external keyboard)

I heard two distinct timbres while recording them - contrary to what 
abrolag said, although I HAD experienced what abrolag said earlier.

Then my external keyboard flaked out; i had to unplug and plug it back 
in. Also had to restart RG at some point. When RG restarted, by the way 
(a side note), it loaded my working file with the input device setting 
NOT saved, but rather reset to the default "All". I guess that's a bug?

So, then I re-assigned the two distinct input devices again, to my two 
tracks (different device per track). And left the input channels for 
both tracks on "All".

Whatdyaknow !! It finally recorded the way I wanted it to. I got my 
separation.... without the channel assignment. Logically, that makes 
sense - the assignment of SEPARATE DEVICES per track should suffice, 
shouldn't it? And it seems to, indeed, suffice.

In THIS rosegarden+qsynth+vkeyboard+etc session. No telling about the 
next. I'm not trying to be morose. It's just been my experience that my 
setup is erratic and unpredictable, with frequent painful surprises - 
you rub your hands together in anticipatory excitement, as you sit down 
to produce something in RG, and Whaam! you're slammed with some new, 
mysterious problem that stops you dead in your ... um ... tracks !

(I didn't mentioned above that before step 1 above, I had to reboot my 
Ubuntu because jack was suddenly being overloaded and grow mute every 
time I hit more than two simultaneous notes on either the external or 
virtual keyboards).

Also, by the way, my vkeyboard went silent after I restarted RG, still 
being output channel 2. It started signalling when I set it back to 
channel 0. That is bizarre, because it had sent signals over channel 2 
in the previous session. All this is really hard to systematize in my 
mind. But I'm not giving up, for the record.

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