On 2022-05-12 03:04:25 AM, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
I can't reply to the list for reasons I haven't taken time to sort out, so I'm replying directly to you. Feel free to forward to the list if you want.

OK, I'll try copying my reply to the list. Thanks for responding. I was actually not expecting to find any kind of Windows version until I happened on that one, so I'm not too surprised.

The Windows fork is pretty much a separate project, maintained by Richard Bown. I think he has his own repository somewhere. As far as I know, he hasn't done any work on it in years. What you see is probably pretty much what you get.

I doubt this is going to change anytime soon.

On 5/11/22 1:41 PM, Mike Witt wrote:
I've never before attempted to run Rosegarden on Windows. But now I find that I'd like to use it on a Windows 10 machine. I found this:


And it runs. But things don't quite seem to work right (and it does say it's an Alpha build).
Is there any other (prebuilt) RG for Windows that I ought to try?



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D. Michael McIntyre

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