Thanks for the positive comments regarding the "drop-box" thing. I did just 
reread appendix A and B in the 837 IG, however, and I want to be sure that 
I'm thinking about the same specific concepts and identifiers you folks are 
talking about.  So here are a couple question areas:

1. The outer wrapper on the "interchange" (ISA-IEA) contains the ID of the 
"sender" and the "receiver" for the interchange.  In the case of an 
interchange full of claims coming straight from a doctor or clinic, would 
this be the ID of the doctor or clinic?  If the doctor uses a business 
agent to create the interchange, then the sender is the agent, right?

2. The ISA receiver, however, would seem to always be the final target... 
in the case of "claim" interchange, it would always be the PAYOR... 
right?  The same payor identified on all the individual claims, right?

3. So how does each claim's loop 1000 fit into this?  The IG says 1000 
should contain the "submitter" and the "receiver",  but it seems to be 
duplicating other information in the ISA.  Woudn't the "submitter" be the 
same for all claims within a single interchange... and also be the same 
entity who stuffed them into the ISA envelope?


Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268        

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