I believe that the hard line physicians are beginning to take re: "courtesy 
billing" a patient's (non-par) insurance reflects just how labor-intensive 
that process can be.  I initiated the very same policy in my office over a 
year ago.  There is no question that patients like the doctor to do the 
insurance billing and that doctors like doing what makes patients happy... 
if it's not ridiculously expensive.  If TCS standards and a 
payor-ID/address registry succeed in making this "easy" again, I would 
expect providers to ease back into doing all the billing for par and 
non-par plans.

With regard to the work of this group, however, I do not foresee any 
special challenges or requirements for enabling a non-par provider to track 
down the CPP requirements for the payor.  If the payor requires special 
handling/routing for claims from non-par providers, that should be 
reflected in his CPP.


At 02:48 PM 6/29/02 -0500, Rachel Foerster wrote:
>The question that leapt into my mind as I read this Payment Policy is that
>this provider is clearly stating it will not file claims on behalf of the
>patient to a health plan with which it does not participate. Is this the
>common practice today? If yes, will this continue to be the common practice
>into the future and for how long? If yes, then is the issue of
>identification/routing of transactions to payers from non-par/out-of-network
>providers one that should require a lot of analysis/discussion, but rather
>be put in a "parking lot" for future work effort?

Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268        

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