> I am almost convinced.  I am unfamiliar with the functional
> requirements  of an applet developer for our library, but I will accept
> at face value  that an 80% increase in the file size of our applet jar
> is unacceptable.
> My concerns would be that the Commons Logging group already put plenty
> of time into their own "reflection trickery" and we may be able to
> spend  our complexity budget in other places.

I understand. I must admit that I hadn't actually looked at the size
of the final distribution of the Commons Logging API, but the sizes of
the downloads looked too large for my liking.

I've just had a look, and the commons-logging package is 26K, or 18K
for the '-api' version (that includes all we need in applets). OTOH,
the classes I mentioned total to 6K. Even allowing another 3K for
the cut-down loader solution I proposed and you still only reach
half the size of the smaller commons-logging-api distro. Our current
applet distro is 31K by my reckoning, so that is a significant
saving. As far as complexity goes, it doesn't look too difficult
to me ;)

However, I do think that we should use the full version of the commons
logging API for the server/large-client distribution.


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