On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Ryan Hoegg wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am getting close to a presentable version of my Commons HttpClient 
> transport.  It is time to start planning the changes to build.xml.
> My local copy just has the new dependency 
> (commons-httpclient-2.0-alpha2.jar) loading from my build.properties 
> similarly to how jsse.jar and friends are included.  It also assumes 
> availability of the HttpClient classes at runtime.

> Should I provide a separate build target for this transport, thereby 
> allowing you all to continue building and testing without the Commons 
> HttpClient classes?

If these are going to be a standard, maintained part of the package, I'd be 
in favor of them building by default.

> Also, this change will have the same dilemma we are seeing with Base64 
> moving to Codec: How much should we shield our users from runtime 
> dependencies?

This is a general issue deserving of a separate thread.  We may also need to 
query the user list for this one.

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