Hi folks,

I'm using the Apache XML-RPC 1.2-b1 library to communicate with a
process running on Frontier however the library seems to be improperly
encoding doubles.

According to the spec[1] only standard decimal representation is supported:

At this time, only decimal point notation is allowed, a plus or a
minus, followed by any number of numeric characters, followed by a
period and any number of numeric characters.

However I am occasionally seeing results being passed using scientific notification:


my Java code is doing:

Vector result = new Vector( 2 );
result.add( new Integer( doc.get( "id" ) ) );
result.add( new Double( hits.score( i ) ) );

to send doubles back to Frontier.

I didn't find anything in the bug database. I also tried the older v1.1
library with the same result. Is it a known problem?

Many thanks,


[1] http://www.xmlrpc.com/spec/

Evectors Software
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