
I understand that the spec doesn't handle null values. As xml-rpc
implements the SPEC, I find it completely valid, that null values are
rejected *by default*. However, I can think of no reason why they
shouldn't be supported *as a vendor extension*. Most of the other Apache
software implementing specs do have vendor extensions (Xerces, Xalan,
Tomcat, ...)

Question: Would anyone mind me adding such support? If so, how should it
look like? My personal suggestion would go like this:

  - The client is configured through a property of XmlRpcClient.
    For example, the class may recieve a new property

      public void setSupportingNullValues(boolean pValue)

    The default value being false, of course.

  - The client announces to the server, that it wishes to support
    null values. Server detects the announcement and behaves
    accordingly. The announcement might be a special HTTP header
    or better a special attribute like


  - To submit a null value, an empty tag


    might be used instead of <int>3</int> or similar values.


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