On Wed, 16 Jun 2004, Jochen Wiedmann wrote:

> On Mi, 2004-06-16 at 15:08, Ryan Bloom wrote:
> > For some reason, just running ant test is failing one test for me.  
> > Specifically, org.apache.xmlrpc.CommonsXmlRpcTransportTest, isn't able to 
> > connect to a server.  I would have thought that "ant test" would have run 
> > the server before trying to run the client, but that doesn't seem to be 
> > the case for this test.
> > 
> > I tried running the echo sample app on port 8081, and that gets this test 
> > passing, but a different test fails, because port 8081 is taked already.  
> > There must be a simple way to run the tests and have them pass, but what 
> > is it?
> I had the same problem today with more than one test and found, that I
> had to repeat the tests multiple times and per test. They all work
> separately, it seems, but not together.

That's insane!  I need an XMLRPC library for a project that I am working 
on, and I would really like to use this one, but I am having a hard time 
trusting it currently.  I am going to start by going through and cleaning 
up all of the deprecated method calls.  Then I am going to put in support 
for the Collections framework instead of using Vector everywhere.


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