RPM Package Manager, CVS Repository

  Server: rpm5.org                         Name:   Jeff Johnson
  Root:   /v/rpm/cvs                       Email:  j...@rpm5.org
  Module: skipfish                         Date:   06-Jul-2010 20:26:23
  Branch: HEAD                             Handle: 2010070618262201

  Modified files:
    skipfish                .cvsignore Makefile.am configure.ac skipfish.c

    - skipfish: stub-in POPT handling.
    - skipfish: add libtool and -lrpmio linkage.

    Revision    Changes     Path
    1.5         +2  -0      skipfish/.cvsignore
    1.4         +14 -5      skipfish/Makefile.am
    1.6         +2  -0      skipfish/configure.ac
    1.3         +85 -1      skipfish/skipfish.c

  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: skipfish/.cvsignore
  $ cvs diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5 .cvsignore
  --- skipfish/.cvsignore       6 Jul 2010 17:21:53 -0000       1.4
  +++ skipfish/.cvsignore       6 Jul 2010 18:26:22 -0000       1.5
  @@ -16,8 +16,10 @@
  @@ .
  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: skipfish/Makefile.am
  $ cvs diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4 Makefile.am
  --- skipfish/Makefile.am      6 Jul 2010 17:20:21 -0000       1.3
  +++ skipfish/Makefile.am      6 Jul 2010 18:26:23 -0000       1.4
  @@ -10,9 +10,18 @@
        -I. \
  -     -I$(srcdir)
  +     -I$(srcdir) \
  +     -I.. \
  +     -I../rpmio
  +     ../misc/librpmmisc.la
  +     ../rpmio/librpmio.la \
   bin_PROGRAMS =       skipfish
  @@ -26,9 +35,9 @@
   skipfish_SOURCES = \
        $(SKIPFISH_COMMON) skipfish.c
   skipfish_LDFLAGS =   $(LDFLAGS)
  -skipfish_LDADD =
  +skipfish_LDADD =     $(RPMIO_LDADD_COMMON)
   same_test_SOURCES = \
        $(SKIPFISH_COMMON) same_test.c
   same_test_LDFLAGS =  $(LDFLAGS)
  -same_test_LDADD =
  +same_test_LDADD =    $(RPMIO_LDADD_COMMON)
  @@ .
  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: skipfish/configure.ac
  $ cvs diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6 configure.ac
  --- skipfish/configure.ac     6 Jul 2010 17:20:21 -0000       1.5
  +++ skipfish/configure.ac     6 Jul 2010 18:26:23 -0000       1.6
  @@ -22,10 +22,12 @@
   dnl # GCC specifics
  @@ .
  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: skipfish/skipfish.c
  $ cvs diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 skipfish.c
  --- skipfish/skipfish.c       5 Jul 2010 18:02:53 -0000       1.2
  +++ skipfish/skipfish.c       6 Jul 2010 18:26:23 -0000       1.3
  @@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
   #include <termios.h>
   #include <fcntl.h>
  +#include <poptIO.h>
  +#define      _(Text)  Text
  +#define      D_(Text) Text
  +#define      N_(Text) Text
   #include "types.h"
   #include "alloc-inl.h"
   #include "string-inl.h"
  @@ -138,10 +143,87 @@
     clear_screen = 1;
  +static struct poptOption rpmskfOptionsTable[] = {
  +#ifdef       NOTYET
  + { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE, rpmioAllPoptTable, 0,
  +     N_(" Common options for all rpmio executables:"), NULL },
  +  { NULL, (char)-1, POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE, NULL, 0,
  +        N_("\
  +Usage: %s [ options ... ] -o output_dir start_url [ start_url2 ... ]\n\
  +Authentication and access options:\n\
  +  -A user:pass   - use specified HTTP authentication credentials\n\
  +  -F host:IP     - pretend that 'host' resolves to 'IP'\n\
  +  -C name=val    - append a custom cookie to all requests\n\
  +  -H name=val    - append a custom HTTP header to all requests\n\
  +  -b (i|f)       - use headers consistent with MSIE / Firefox\n\
  +  -N             - do not accept any new cookies\n\
  +Crawl scope options:\n\
  +  -d max_depth   - maximum crawl tree depth (%u)\n\
  +  -c max_child   - maximum children to index per node (%u)\n\
  +  -r r_limit     - max total number of requests to send (%u)\n\
  +  -p crawl%%      - node and link crawl probability (100%%)\n\
  +  -q hex         - repeat probabilistic scan with given seed\n\
  +  -I string      - only follow URLs matching 'string'\n\
  +  -X string      - exclude URLs matching 'string'\n\
  +  -S string      - exclude pages containing 'string'\n\
  +  -K string      - do not fuzz parameters named 'string'\n\
  +  -D domain      - crawl cross-site links to another domain\n\
  +  -B domain      - trust, but do not crawl, another domain\n\
  +  -Z             - do not descend into 5xx locations\n\
  +  -O             - do not submit any forms\n\
  +  -P             - do not parse HTML, etc, to find new links\n\
  +Reporting options:\n\
  +  -o dir         - write output to specified directory (required)\n\
  +  -J             - be less picky about MIME / charset mismatches\n\
  +  -M             - log warnings about mixed content\n\
  +  -E             - log all HTTP/1.0 / HTTP/1.1 caching intent mismatches\n\
  +  -U             - log all external URLs and e-mails seen\n\
  +  -Q             - completely suppress duplicate nodes in reports\n\
  +  -u             - be quiet, disable realtime progress stats\n\
  +Dictionary management options:\n\
  +  -W wordlist    - load an alternative wordlist (%s)\n\
  +  -L             - do not auto-learn new keywords for the site\n\
  +  -V             - do not update wordlist based on scan results\n\
  +  -Y             - do not fuzz extensions in directory brute-force\n\
  +  -R age         - purge words hit more than 'age' scans ago\n\
  +  -T name=val    - add new form auto-fill rule\n\
  +  -G max_guess   - maximum number of keyword guesses to keep (%d)\n\
  +Performance settings:\n\
  +  -g max_conn    - max simultaneous TCP connections, global (%u)\n\
  +  -m host_conn   - max simultaneous connections, per target IP (%u)\n\
  +  -f max_fail    - max number of consecutive HTTP errors (%u)\n\
  +  -t req_tmout   - total request response timeout (%u s)\n\
  +  -w rw_tmout    - individual network I/O timeout (%u s)\n\
  +  -i idle_tmout  - timeout on idle HTTP connections (%u s)\n\
  +  -s s_limit     - response size limit (%u B)\n\
  +Send comments and complaints to <lcam...@google.com>.\n\
  +"), NULL },
   /* Main entry point */
  -int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  +int main(int argc, char** argv)
  +  poptContext con = rpmioInit(argc, argv, rpmskfOptionsTable);
     s32 opt;
     u32 loop_cnt = 0, purge_age = 0, seed;
     u8 dont_save_words = 0, show_once = 0, be_quiet = 0, display_mode = 0;
  @@ -524,6 +606,8 @@
  +  con = rpmioFini(con);
     return 0;
  @@ .
RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
CVS Sources Repository                                rpm-cvs@rpm5.org

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