I know that PCRE and POSIX are functionally equivalent.

But can the interconversion between PCRE <-> POSIX regexes be automated?

I'd love a general "have it your own way" RE interconversion
rather than have to choose either PCRE or POSIX regex dialect.

rpm got enuf Chauvinism problems in the packaging wars already
without adopting Yet Another War. I'd rather satisfy both needs than
choose one or the other regex dialect.

Personally, I ain't looked at perl since 1990, and I'm dearly hoping to
continue as an ignorant lazy schmuck.

But I'm sure I can learn PCRE if necessary.

Hmmm, I can likely wing it with
http://www.phpguru.org/downloads/PCRE%20Cheat%20Sheet/PHP%20PCRE% 20Cheat%20Sheet.pdf

FYI: There are multiple usage cases for patterns in rpm-5.2. Choose your dialect, and prepare
your arguments now.

73 de Jeff

RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
Developer Communication List                        rpm-devel@rpm5.org

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