On Fri, Apr 10, 2009, Jeff Johnson wrote:

> [...]
>       How hard should I work at having multiple interpreters with
>       luser enabled selectable criteria for global persistence (or not)?
> Note: that embedded lua has it both ways already, and its really not
> hard code. The issue for me is "Should I do this?" not "How to do this
> ...?"

Hmmm... for %post -p <lang> they certainly most of the time expect
"new interpreter, every time" while for %{<lang>:...} this usually can
hurt very much (as one has no variables at hand). But I see situations
where it can be exactly vice versa: if one wants to share details
between %build and %install one needs a "shared interpreter" and even
for %{<lang>:...} sometimes it can be useful to get a fresh "new
interpreter". So, hmmmm... yes, I would say: you SHOULD ALLOW PEOPLE TO
CHOOSE THE MODE (with an option?), in both situations.

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall

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Developer Communication List                        rpm-devel@rpm5.org

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